森田療法の話と森田博士の生家 Brief Description of Morita Therapy and Dr. Morita's Birthplace
Email to saori@reflectwithme.com
Call and leave a message at (415) 823-0022.
I hope this blog post finds everyone doing well. Because it’s been so long since my last one, perhaps I can share what I have been up to, including my recent trip to Kochi and the basic idea of Morita Therapy.
I attended and presented at the 41st Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Morita, which was held in Kochi Prefecture, the birthplace of Dr. Shoma (Masatake) Morita. This year coincided with the 150th anniversary of his birth, and the conference ended with great success. I also had the opportunity to visit Dr. Morita's birthplace on a historical excursion. Here is a brief description of Morita Therapy.
Morita Therapy was initially developed as a treatment for people suffering from extreme anxiety, obsessive and rigid thoughts, known as Morita Neurosis, but it is now used to improve the lives of people as a modality that help them to live their lives in a fulfilling way.
Through my professional work as a psychotherapist specializing in Morita Therapy, I encounter people struggling to improve their situation even though they have worked with other therapists previously. Thus, their desire to be diligent and their seriousness can sometimes hinder them because they wait for the perfect condition before taking their first action. This “perfectionistic” tendency can be a great asset if appropriately redirected. People who suffer from neurosis, in particular, often worry that they can't move forward because they are afraid to fail. So they tend to look at and analyze things in detail and overthink. However, insightful thinking and noticing details can be their strengths. The key is not to get caught up in it. By clarifying the goals and knowing what one can and can't do, one can move forward even though one may not feel “perfect.” We, Morita Therapy specialists, will help our clients expand their resilience and abilities toward their goals. I hope this provides a glimpse of how we work!
By the way, I want to share an interesting side story from the conference excursion. When I visited Dr. Morita's birthplace, Mr. Ikemoto, a representative from the "Association for the Preservation of Morita Shoma's Birthplace," shared an anecdote about this house.
Dr. Morita's house's tiled (Kawara) roof was custom-made at the suggestion of Dr. Morita's father, who wanted to improve its functionality. Typically, the Kawara tiles on the Japanese tiled roof are secured by having the right side of each tile go under the adjacent Kawara tile. However, with this design, the rainwater on the tiled roof flows down in the same direction when it rains. This can cause water damage, which can trigger the leak. To improve this, Dr. Morita’s father custom-ordered Kawara tiles that could be extended to the left side and arranged his Kawara tiles from the center of the house to the left and right, devising a way to ensure even drainage.
I was impressed that such an idea would only be thought up by someone with an attentive mind, and I thought it was terrific that such unconventional thinking could be used to come up with improvements by observing and analyzing things so carefully. Having neurosis is great if it is directed constructively. (But I'm not saying Dr. Morita’s father has neurosis!)
So, if you get an opportunity to visit Dr. Morita's birthplace, be sure to take a closer look at the tile roof of the house's main entrance.
Thanks for reading my blog post!
Remember, I can be reached by email or phone if you feel anxious and worried about how things are going in your life.
Email saori@reflectwithme.com
Call and leave me a message at (415) 823-0022.
By the way, the Morita Shoma Birthplace Preservation Society also accepts public donations to restore and preserve Dr. Morita's birthplace, which is known to be more than 150 years old. It has been designated a nationally registered tangible cultural property, and subsidies are granted. However, the goal amount to cover the complete restoration has not yet been met. If you are interested, please consider supporting this cause.
For more information about donating to preserve Dr. Morita’s birthplace, visit
(*The blog post's author is an independent donor for this cause and has no conflict of interest whatsoever with the Morita Shoma Birthplace Preservation Society.)
Dr. Morita’s Birthplace: The Entrance
Dr. Morita’s Birthplace has been designated a “Nationally Registered Tangible Cultural Property,” and it needs extensive restoration
Dr. Morita’s Birthplace. The panels with wood carvings
The 41st Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Morita Therapy, Billboard
The 41st Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Morita Therapy, Opening Ceremony
The 41st Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Morita Therapy, the author’s presentation
Kochi Castle
Colorful Trees at Kochi Castle
Katsura Hama, Kochi