Read MoreArticles and Writing on Mindfulness Counseling, Morita Therapy, Naikan Therapy, Mindful Life, COVID-19 Coronavirus Stress Management, Anxiety Management, increasing Motivation, Goal-setting, Morita Conference. Morita Congress, Naikan Conference, Buddhist Psychology, offered by Saori Miyazaki in San Francisco. サンフランシスコ臨床心理士宮﨑さおりによるマインドフルネスライフ 不安 ストレス 森田療法 森田学会 内観療法 内観学会 カウンセリング セラピー 仏教的心理学についてのブログ
Living A Mindful Life
Saori Miyazaki, LMFT
Read MoreIt's already February!
How is your New Year going so far?
Some of you started with a New Year's resolution or set goals for the year, while others followed the flow. Whatever your journeys, I hope you can focus on small tasks to achieve your dreams.
Read MoreA New program aimed at caring for people suffering from severe mental conditions such as schizophrenia and substance abuse is waiting to be launched in San Francisco County. Public mental health programs have existed for some time but cannot be utilized often without the participant’s consent, which has been a barrier to access. Will this new attempt lead to reducing that obstacle? (記事の日本語訳あり)
Read MoreRecently, I lost my elder friend. Because of the COVID, there was only a short mass to commemorate her life. I am also about to have my father's passing anniversary. I have been feeling the loss at many different levels. In this blog post, I'd like to remember my mentor, who crossed to the other shore about a year ago.
Read More不安が募る昨今。不安感情に左右されずに、自分らしい丁寧な生き方をしたいと思いませんか?今回は、私の提案する丁寧な生活のお話です。
Read MoreWhat can we do when we have to delay receiving gratification? Saori Miyazaki, LMFT, shares how she works with her clients by strengthening their ability in this time of uncertainty.
Read Moreコロナウィルスの影響の中、コロナと共存していく生き方を、森田療法・内観療法の観点からホリスティックに考えてみました。
Read MoreCOVID-19 is affecting all of us regardless of where you are. I am sharing my take on this pandemic as well as useful self-reflective and self-care tips.
Read More新年を迎え、勇気を持って新しい事にチャレンジしたいと思われている方、でも不安な感情に邪魔されている。そんな時にお役に立つマインドセットの持ち方をご紹介致します。
Read MoreCome and join me! I am hosting a Vision Board Tea Party! ビジョンボード作りのお茶会へのお誘い
Read MoreThe holiday season brings us joy. Some of us may spend time with families and others may go on vacation. However, holidays can be challenging as well. Here are some survival tips to stay mindful and less stressed during this busy season.
Read MoreI attended the International Morita Congress in Wuhu, China. Here is my report on the Morita congress as well as the Naikan conference which took place at the same time.
Read Moreアメリカでも日本でも注目されている「子供の学習障害や発達障害を認め、それぞれに見合った方法でサポートをする」という教育方法。日本の専門家でいらっしゃる「DS BASE千歳烏山」代表の神谷美奈子先生が、ここアメリカで行ったワークショップの報告をお伝え致します。
Read More最近、よく耳にする「マインドフルネス」という言葉。現在カリフォルニアで、マインドフルネスを基盤にしたセラピーを行なっているセラピストが、この「マインドフルネス」または「マインドフルネスを取り入れた生活」とはどういう事なのか、考えてみました。
Read MoreCounseling and Psychotherapy services in San Francisco, CA and San Francisco Bay Area for teens and adults for anxiety. Specializing in Mindfulness and Expressive Arts Therapies.