Mindful Holiday Survival Tips

It is getting closer to the end of the year. Some of us are preparing for the holidays while others are ready to close out 2019 and jump into 2020. Here are some helpful tips to stay mindful and less stressed during this busy season.

1. Whether you are or are not gathering with family, be sure to ground yourself. Try to focus on a moment to enjoy. Use your senses when you do this. What holiday scenery is taking place in front of you? What do you smell when you breathe in the air? What do you like about today’s forecast, and how is it different from yesterday’s? What sound do you notice? Take time to examine what is around you. If you would like, share your thoughts or memories with family and friends.

2. Be mindful that everyone has a different expectation during this season. Do you have your own expectations of how it should go? We tend get disappointed when our expectations do not meet reality. Try to see the situation "as is" and think about how you can respond mindfully and accordingly.

3. It is important for you to have boundaries. Offer to help when you can but know that you can always decline politely and it is ok to do so.

4. We often talk about "self-care," but self-care is not only about getting a massage or getting proper amount of sleep. It can come in many different forms.
Some people nourish their souls by spending time alone in the woods walking, while others want to be with people and do something social. Some people like to work outside on their yards while others enjoy being inside baking. Whatever it is that you enjoy, make sure to allow yourself self-care time by not only resting your body and mind but also “feeding your soul.”

5. Again, make sure to focus on what you can control. Remember, we cannot control our emotions but can control how we respond. While we cannot control how others behave, we can control our response mindfully to their actions.

6. Lastly, here is a fantastic tip that I got from my elders. "If you have a moment to spare, pick something small that you can do for any living beings who are in need.”


“Blue Tunnel” Shibuya, Tokyo, Japan