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The International Morita Congress in China

This past August, I attended the International Morita Congress, which takes place every three years in a different host country.  This year's event was in Wuhu (near Nanjing), China. The Chinese organizing team was excellent hosts and I sincerely appreciate their amazing translation and hospitality they provided.  This made for a very rewarding experience and below are some takeaways I would like to share from the International Morita Congress. 

First, I was impressed by the fact of how much Chinese psychiatrists and psychotherapists have been deepening their knowledge of this  Japanese psychotherapy modality. While Japan has been recently experiencing a decrease in classical in-patient Morita Therapy facilities, China's in-patient Morita facilities have been increasing in numbers, thanks in part to their nation’s health insurance covering the costs. I would like to see this happening in Japan too so it would be accessible for more people in need.  

Second, the Morita Congress in China gave me insight to what degree that Morita Therapy has been accepted and practiced internationally. Not only were representatives from China and Japan in attendance, but practitioners from Australia, Canada, England, and  Russia were present as well. These western countries have been implementing and effectively utilizing Morita Therapy and I am always impressed by their commitment and dedication to sharing what they have acquired from Masatake (Shoma) Morita's lifelong research and clinical work.

The Morita way of living can help us determine what we can control in the present and how to manage ourselves holistically. Many of my clients come to me because they have captivated themselves with a lot of "shoulds". Morita's concept helps free us from having inflexible beliefs that confine us to the point where we can only see things from a narrow point of view. Morita gently redirects our attention so we can take the necessary step to get closer to achieving our goals.  This can help lead a constructive lifestyle.

One must realize that nobody can live their life without having any difficulties. Yet socially, we are constantly being told that we need to be happy and if we are not, there is something wrong with us. Consequently, this makes our life either being only happy or sad. 

Now is the time for us to start living mindfully and holistically by learning how we all can incorporate Morita's life philosophy.

Snapshots of Morita Congress, Wuhu, China